Tuesday, November 20, 2012

And So It Begins

This blog is intended to serve as a dump site for all our thoughts, inspirational images, working images, and assignments for our Drucula project, and spiritual thoughts.   Let's focus on grabbing some good reference to inspire us.

Our Proposal for this Project:

To create a short animation film based on Bram Stoker’s Dracula. The
style will be reminiscent to that of Pixar’s Brave and Disney’s Tangled.
The stylization of the environments will be inspired from Blizzard’s
Diablo 3. We propose to design, model, texture, and rig the entire cast
of Dracula including a series of supporting background characters. We
will also create sets for all the major scenes in the book that we find to
be the most invaluable to telling the visual story of Dracula. In addition,
we plan to create a large library of props, textures, vehicles, and matte
paintings with which to populate our world. We intend to change the
time setting of the story from mid Victorian to just prior to World War 1
similar to Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows. Dracula’s background
story will be juxtaposed with the conspiracies surrounding the Roth
Child’s Family. His initial interests in international banking will stem
from his direct involvement in the Knight’s Templar initiative to protect
early Christians making their pilgrimage to the Holy Lands.


Primary Cast:

Count Dracula
a. The Old Count
b. The rejuvenated young Dracula
c. Dracula the monster
Jonathan Harker
Mina Murray
Lucy Westenra
John Seward
Arthur Holmwood

Quincey Morris
Mrs. Westenra

Back Ground Characters:

Brides of Dracula
Captain of the Demeter
Wolves of Transylvania
Romanian Town’s People
London City dwellers
Horses that pull Dracula’s Carriage


Primary Sets:

Borgo Pass- where Dracula picks up Harker and tosses him into the
back of his carriage. The natives fear for his life.

Jonathan and The Count arrive at Castle Dracula- and the mysterious
coach driver disappears leaving Harker alone in the courtyard. The
Count soon after welcomes him into the castle.

Cemetary where Lucy is entombed.

Carpathian Forest infested with ravenous wolves.

Churchyard where Mina discovers Dracula preying on Lucy on the

Assylum where Dr. Seward monitors Renfield.

The catacombs of Dracula’s Castle where Harker discovers The
Count resting by day in his Coffin gorged in blood.

Harker peers out his window and discovers the Count crawling
down the castle wall face down in lizard fashion.

Demeter when entering the harbor and the dog runs out into the

Captain of the Demeter tied to the helm of the ship.

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